Split complimentary color study of Bruce Willis' face. Goauche on illustration board.
Portrait of an older gentleman. Done in williow charcoal.
Portrait of John Cleese done in ine charcoal.
Portrit of Christopher Walken in vine charcaol.
Page one of The Adventure of Mr. Jellybean. Mr. Jellybean is an inspector on a spacecraft. It seems like an ordinary day, until he realizes that the spacecraft has been invaded by aliens.
Page Two of The Adventure of Mr. Jellybean. Mr. Jellybean is an inspector on a spacecraft. It seems like an ordinary day, until he realizes that the spacecraft has been invaded by aliens.
Page Three of The Adventure of Mr. Jellybean. Mr. Jellybean is an inspector on a spacecraft. It seems like an ordinary day, until he realizes that the spacecraft has been invaded by aliens.
Line work from the point of view from the alien before it devours Mr. Jellybean.
Boston terrier bats in an attic.